Friday, February 18, 2011

Mike Gundy plays ringtone tag with Justin Bieber, for some reason

Oklahoma State coach Mike Gundy, as you know, is a man. (He's now 43.) He's so comfortable with his masculinity, in fact – and has enough of a sense of humor about it – that he's willing to inflict himself with a potentially life-threatening strain of the virus leading biologists are calling "Bieber Fever," for the sake of a laugh.

This rare and unsettling cross-pollination of big-time college football and pre-teen heartthrobbing began last week, when the floppy-haired Bieber – currently ranked No. 1 in the world in generating huge profits from the barely formed artistic sensibilities of children, and annoying almost everyone else – revealed that the ringtone on his phone is a recording of Gundy's epic "I'm a man! I'm 40!" rant from 2007, which proves to be the gift that keeps on giving. Warning: The following video may be difficult for some viewers, but contains crucial documentary evidence:

Today, Gundy responded (hilariously) in kind:

Hats off to the reporter who recognized the tune as Bieber's "Baby," and wasn't afraid to admit it in front of his colleagues. He, too, is a man – presumably (hopefully), a man with a 7-to-13-year-old daughter. If you're going to go after someone, go after him. But he hopes someday you have a child, and someone downgrades and belittles their squeaky-voiced musical heroes, and you have to look them in the eye and say, "You know what? That's OK." Because it's still not as lame as the head coach getting weepy over a Josh Groban song in front of the entire team.

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Hat tip: CBS Sports' Tom Fornelli and Adam Jacobi.
Matt Hinton is on Twitter: Follow him @DrSaturday.


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